
(206) 616-0251
After medical internship and clinical practice, Dr. Gulsuner earned a PhD in molecular biology and human genetics. His PhD studies involved detailed neurological diagnosis and brain imaging, experimental and analytical approaches of classical genetics, and the first application of next generation sequencing in Turkey. He then joined Mary-Claire King’s laboratory at the University of Washington as a postdoctoral fellow, where he developed analytical approaches to maintain and analyze large-scale genomics and transcriptomics data to identify genetic bases of a very wide range of phenotypes. He joined the Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Genetics in January 2017.
Education & Training
MD, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey (2005)
PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey (2011)
Senior Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2016)
NARSAD Young Investigator Award (2014)
ESHG Isabelle Oberlé Award for Research on Genetics of Mental Retardation (2010)
Research Interests
Gulsuner lab centers on identifying coding and non-coding mutations in individuals with monogenic Mendelian disorders and with complex mental illness. His work integrates clinical characterization of patients (phenotyping), gene discovery, biological network analysis and functional characterization to infer biologically meaningful links among genotypes, networks, and phenotypes. Establishing these relationships offers a promising approach to understanding mechanisms of diseases and ultimately to identifying targets for therapy. Gulsuner lab also participates to clinical sequencing projects by developing bioinformatics pipelines to improve the identification of causative mutations and clinical decision-making processes in personalized medicine.
Gulsuner S, Walsh T, Watts AC, Lee MK, Thornton AM, Casadei S, Rippey C, Shahin H; Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS); PAARTNERS Study Group, Nimgaonkar VL, Go RC, Savage RM, Swerdlow NR, Gur RE, Braff DL, King M-C, McClellan JM. Spatial and temporal mapping of de novo mutations in schizophrenia to a fetal prefrontal cortical network. Cell. 2013; 154:518-29.
Unal Gulsuner H, Gulsuner S, Mercan FN, Onat OE, Walsh T, Shahin H, Dogu O, Kansu T, Topaloglu H, Elibol B, Akbostanci C, King M-C, Ozcelik T, Tekinay AB. Mitochondrial serine protease HTRA2 G399S in a kindred with essential tremor and Parkinson disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014; 111:18285-90.
Rippey C, Walsh T, Gulsuner S, Brodsky M, Nord AS, Gasperini M, Pierce S, Spurrell C, Coe BP, Krumm N, Lee MK, Sebat J, McClellan JM, King M-C. Formation of chimeric genes by copy-number variation as a mutational mechanism in schizophrenia. Amer J Hum Genet. 2013; 93:697-710.
Bayram Y, Gulsuner S, Guran T, Abaci A, Yesil G, Gulsuner HU, Atay Z, Pierce SB, Gambin T, Lee M, Turan S, Bober E, Atik MM, Walsh T, Karaca E, Pehlivan D, Jhangiani SN, Muzny D, Bereket A, Buyukgebiz A, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, King MC, Lupski JR. Homozygous loss-of-function mutations in SOHLH1 in patients with non-syndromic hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015; 100:E808-14.
Aran A, Rosenfeld N, Jaron R, Renbaum P, Zuckerman S, Fridman H, Zeligson S, Segel R, Kohn Y, Kamal L, Kanaan M, Segev Y, Mazaki E, Rabinowitz R, Shen O, Lee M, Walsh T, King M-C, Gulsuner S, Levy-Lahad E. Loss-of-function of PCDH12 underlies recessive microcephaly mimicking intrauterine infection. Neurology. 2016; 86:2016-24.
Zhang MY, Jane E, Churpek JE, Walsh T, Lee MK, Keel SB, Loeb KR, Gulsuner S, Pritchard CC, Forouhar M, Gyurkocza B, Schwartz B, Neistadt B, Marquez R, Mariani C, Coats SA, Hofmann I, Williams DA, Fleming MD, Abkowitz JL, Horwitz MS, Godley LA, King M-C, Shimamura A. Germline ETV6 mutations in familial thrombocytopenia and hematologic malignancy. Nat Genet. 2015; 47:180-5.
Norquist BM, Harrell MI, Brady MF, Walsh T, Lee MK, Gulsuner S, Bernards SS, Casadei S, Yi Q, Burger RA, Chan JK, Davidson SA, Mannel RS, DiSilvestro PA, Lankes HA, Ramirez NC, King M-C, Swisher EM, Birrer MJ. Inherited Mutations in Women with Ovarian Cancer: an NRG Oncology Study. JAMA Oncology 2016; 2:482-90.
Onat OE*, Gulsuner S*, Bilguvar K, Nazli Basak A, Topaloglu H, Tan M, Tan U, Gunel M, Ozcelik T. Missense mutation in the ATPase, aminophospholipid transporter protein ATP8A2 is associated with cerebellar atrophy and quadrupedal locomotion. Eur J Hum Genet. 2013; 21:281-5.
Gulsuner S, Tekinay AB, Doerschner K, Boyaci H, Bilguvar K, Unal H, Ors A, Onat OE, Atalar E, Basak AN, Topaloglu H, Kansu T, Tan M, Tan U, Gunel M, Ozcelik T. Homozygosity mapping and targeted genomic sequencing reveal the gene responsible for cerebellar hypoplasia and quadrupedal locomotion in a consanguineous kindred. Genome Res. 2011; 21:1995-2003.
Ozcelik T, Akarsu N, Uz E, Caglayan S, Gulsuner S, Onat OE, Tan M, Tan U. Mutations in the very low-density lipoprotein receptor VLDLR cause cerebellar hypoplasia and quadrupedal locomotion in humans. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2008; 105:4232-4236.